Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A letter To my Son

Dear Baby my child,

I'm writing you this letter hoping one day, you'll learn to read this and know that I love you
from the second, I knew you're in my womb. Though I never knew what being a mother is, you taught me
to be patient, kind and most of all the joy of motherhood. I'm writing this letter as a time capsule
just in case, in time I forget the detail but this is the moment I want to capture. My child, my baby,
maybe someday, you'll have a brother or sister, but you'll always be my first born. Always be my little
angel wrap in colourful blanket.
Even you're just a few years old. Someday you'll grow into a man. I want you to chase your dream.
I want you to love your self a little bit more. I want you to know I love you no matter how worse or great
the day went by. I wanted to give you everything though I'm scare to spoil you too much. Mama do have weakness
too. One day, you stood up by yourself. The next I realise you grow a couple inches taller. I hope you
never lose your sweet and gentle ways. Sometimes you became spiderman, ultraman and even superman, made
me lose all my patient, but sweetheart don't be too naughty.
Even papa is out all day working, I want you to know, he love you too. The pride and our joy lays
in your smile. Turn our night into days, turn our life shinier than you'll ever know. I tried my hardest to make
your life more merrier and happier than mine. Above and beyond, I know I love you the most. Even I can't get the
best for you, it hurt me the most than it hurt you. To see you sad when other smile, to see you turn your smile upside
down, just melt my little heart away. "oh, look at those face" my heart cried out.
One day, when you're off to college or some fancy university, I know I'll cry my heart out. But I'll be
proud, I know I will. I want you to live your life to the fullest, love to the fullest, never hurt any
girls feeling. Remember your religion teaching, be kind and considerate to the elders. My darling sweet angel
I want to hug you all the time, kiss your chubby cheeks and sing nursery rhymes all day long with you.
Gonna have to let you go one day, make your own destiny. If you fall or lose your sight, never lose your way
back to home to me. Even the world is cruel around you, don't be cruel, be patient, watch your language
and smile.
When nobody is listening to your words or thoughts, tell me, I like to know. It's never boring when it comes
out of your mouth. I hope I raise a perfect gentlemen, a good man with good soul.I know me and your papa is not
perfect all the times, but we do our best each day. Most of all we love you with all our heart and soul, with all our breath
and with all we can give. I Love you Gubby Gus...

Always love your from beginning to forever,


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Another boring day~

A cup of coffee for breakfast. Then, suddenly the quietness and stillness relaxed me. It's funny how life turns out to be. Everyday the same. Violent in the news. What have became of the world. For all I know, history is to be learn not repeat. There's racism, hatred, wars and ain't enough of love. Why can people just get along. Those poor babies being blown away. Children at a very young age already avenging grudge toward other human being. I mean, where's the sense in that? Weird and scary. Enough hate already, start your day with a smile everyone... And end it with a smile too.. xoxo

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A daily reminder~

As I emerged from my slumber sleep. I saw rays of sun light entering my room. Magnificent I thought, it's been ages since the room lit up by sun shines. Count my blessing, I reminded my self. Then on my left was my beautiful son. I turn to give him a morning kiss. His little sparkling eyes open and smile at me. Again, I say what a blessing. I began my daily chores of washing, cleaning and cooking. Thus, a wail of a home maker started. The counting of blessing doen't enter my miniature mind. Sometimes, a tiny yelp~ escape my mouth. Still, its a career no one ever wanted. No EPF, No Sosco, No salary increament, come to think of it, no salary comes with it. With lots of stress, burnout and must be multitasking. I learn that from Discoveries Home Chanel. It is true though. Sad but true.
I remember I build a blog on cooking and life. The passion of me wanting more of life just pass by. Stuck with family problem. Calendar filled with occasions; weddings, birthdays and health shot. Its weird to be stuck in home and still there's much to do. Even as I'm complaining on this, I'm still grateful. The light on my child eyes keep me warm and fuzzy all day. Corny? I know, too much mommy love in me. (laugh)
Tons of things to do, either I'm complaining or not, my dire life (dramatic right? :p) keep moving on. Like a train... But seriously, as a wife and mother I don't expect much. It's part of life. As a person, I do wish I could be more. More of me, less of them. More of selfish me, less of people pleased person. But it ain't happening now amigo~ Guess my Spa vacation will have to wait~
So my daily reminder is my will. The will of going on with my life. The will that makes me wake up and complete my everyday tasks. The will that no one control only myself. It belong to me, the only thing that's not taken, squash, dictate, thrown, unheard, flip over, upside down, misunderstood, not seen ( it's going overboard..). Most important of all, a small prayer in my heart goes with it~